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Interface ConnectionOptions

The MongoDB connection options. They will define both the options of the mongoexport command and the uri/MongoClientOptions of the connection used to list databases and collections.

Most of the properties are exactly the same of the mongoexport options. Some are slightly modified to allow a more confortable usage, without changing what will be passed as a mongoexport option. The default value of the option does not corrispond with the mongoexport one. When there is a value set to false or undefined, it means that the option is not added to the mongoexport command, not that it is the default value of mongoexport.

To support the old versions of mongoexport, there are also the deprecated options.

See the mongoexport official documentation to further information.


https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongoexport/ to further information on the mongoexport options.


  • ConnectionOptions



Optional authenticationDatabase

authenticationDatabase: undefined | string

The authentication database of the MongoDB connection.

Default: undefined

Optional authenticationMechanism

authenticationMechanism: undefined | SCRAM_SHA_1 | SCRAM_SHA_256 | MONGODB_X509 | GSSAPI | PLAIN | MONGODB_CR

The authentication mechanism of the MongoDB connection.

Default: undefined

Optional dbpath

dbpath: undefined | string

Specifies the directory of the MongoDB data files. If used, the --dbpath option enables mongoexport to attach directly to local data files and insert the data without the mongod. To run with --dbpath, mongoexport needs to lock access to the data directory: as a result, no mongod can access the same path while the process runs.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: undefined

Optional directoryperdb

directoryperdb: undefined | boolean

Use the --directoryperdb in conjunction with the corresponding option to mongod, which allows mongoexport to export data from MongoDB instances that have every database’s files saved in discrete directories on the disk. This option is only relevant when specifying the --dbpath option.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: false

Optional gssapiHostName

gssapiHostName: undefined | string

Specify the hostname of a service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the hostname of a machine does not match the hostname resolved by DNS.

Default: undefined

Optional gssapiServiceName

gssapiServiceName: undefined | string

Specify the name of the service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the service does not use the default name of mongodb.

Default: undefined

Optional host

host: undefined | string | ReplicaSet[]

The host of the MongoDB connection. It can be a string or an array of ReplicaSet.

The property differs from the mongoexport one in which also an array of replica sets can be passed.

Default: 'localhost'

Optional ipv6

ipv6: undefined | boolean

Enables IPv6 support that allows mongoexport to connect to the MongoDB instance using an IPv6 network. All MongoDB programs and processes, including mongoexport, disable IPv6 support by default.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: false

Optional journal

journal: undefined | boolean

Allows mongoexport operations to access the durability journal to ensure that the export is in a valid state. This option is only relevant when specifying the --dbpath option.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: false

Optional password

password: undefined | string

The password of the MongoDB connection.

Default: undefined.

Optional port

port: undefined | string | number

The port of the MongoDB connection.

Default: 27017

Optional readPreference

readPreference: any

Specify the read preference for mongoexport.

It can be a string such as 'primary' or 'secondary' or an object. If you want to pass the json object as a string, you must manually include it in apixes.

Default: undefined

Optional replicaSetName

replicaSetName: undefined | string

The replicaSetName of the MongoDB connection.

This property is not present in the mongoexport options, where the replica set name is passed in the uri options or in the host option.

Default: undefined

Optional slaveOk

slaveOk: undefined | boolean

Sets the Read Preference to nearest, allowing mongoexport to read data from secondary replica set members.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: false

Optional srv

srv: undefined | boolean

If the MongoDB connection uri is an srv.

This property is not present in the mongoexport options, where the "+srv" can be added manually in the host option.

Default: false;

Optional ssl

ssl: undefined | boolean

If the MongoDB connection uses ssl or tls.

Default: false

Optional sslAllowInvalidCertificates

sslAllowInvalidCertificates: undefined | boolean

Bypasses the validation checks for server certificates and allows the use of invalid certificates. When using the allowInvalidCertificates setting, MongoDB logs as a warning the use of the invalid certificate.

Default: false

Optional sslAllowInvalidHostnames

sslAllowInvalidHostnames: undefined | boolean

Disables the validation of the hostnames in TLS/SSL certificates. Allows mongoexport to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname in their certificates do not match the specified hostname.

Default: false

Optional sslCAFile

sslCAFile: undefined | string

Specifies the .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificate and key.

Default: undefined

Optional sslCRLFile

sslCRLFile: undefined | string

Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

Default: undefined

Optional sslFIPSMode

sslFIPSMode: undefined | boolean

Directs the mongoexport to use the FIPS mode of the installed OpenSSL library. Your system must have a FIPS compliant OpenSSL library to use the --sslFIPSMode option.

NB: Deprecated option of mongoexport

Default: false

Optional sslPEMKeyFile

sslPEMKeyFile: undefined | string

Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

Default: undefined

Optional sslPEMKeyPassword

sslPEMKeyPassword: undefined | string

Specifies the password to de-crypt the certificate-key file (i.e. --sslPEMKeyFile). Use the --sslPEMKeyPassword option only if the certificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongoexport will redact the password from all logging and reporting output.

Default: undefined

Optional uri

uri: undefined | string

The uri of the MongoDB connection. If it is specified, the options

  • host
  • port
  • password
  • username
  • srv
  • authenticationMechanism
  • authenticationDatabase will be set to undefined and ignored.

Default: undefined

Optional username

username: undefined | string

The username of the MongoDB connection.

Default: undefined

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